67th Venice International Film Festival

Jaeger-LeCoultre celebrates art and artisanship


The art of making time stand still, of sublimating the moment, of giving life to a work that is unique because it is fashioned by the human hand. The art of revealing an artist’s unique vision of time, of the world. Film-maker, watchmaker, actor, gemsetter… each artist is an artisan of emotions. This year, the Manufacture Jaeger-LeCoultre wished to pay tribute to the talent of these creators of wonderment.

A tribute that could not hope for a finer setting in which to blossom than Venice, cradle of some of the finest artistic crafts. From September 1st to 11th 2010, during the 67th Venice International Film Festival (organized by la Biennale di Venezia), the famous «Mostra» which it is sponsoring for the sixth consecutive year, the brand will unveil its own dream cast of four exceptional creations – each of which will set the stage for a particular kind of handcrafted expertise.

67th Venice International Film Festival

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