Dates for the 2018 Festival de Cannes

1819710048The 71st Festival de Cannes will take place from Tuesday, 8th May to Saturday, 19th May 2018.
Festival de CannesAwards | 22 NOVEMBER | d-166 BEFORE THE FESTIVAL

Dates for the 2018 Festival de Cannes

Festival de Cannes 2018 © Valery Hache / AFP

The 71st Festival de Cannes will take place from Tuesday, 8th May to Saturday, 19th May 2018. It will start one day earlier than in previous years, but will run for exactly the same length of time.

The opening will therefore take place on the evening of Tuesday, 8th May and the awards ceremony will be on Saturday, 19th May.

«Following 2017’s anniversary edition, the Festival is beginning a new period in its history,» says Festival President Pierre Lescure. «We intend to renew the principles of our organisation as much as possible, while continuing to question the cinema of our age and to be present through its upheavals.» […]

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Dates for the 2018 Festival de Cannes
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